what other catastrophic event can a tsunami lead to

What Causes Tsunamis?

What is a tsunami?

The phenomenon we call tsunami is a serial of large waves of extremely long wavelength and flow commonly generated past a violent, impulsive undersea disturbance or activeness near the coast or in the bounding main. When a sudden displacement of a large volume of water occurs, or if the body of water floor is suddenly raised or dropped by an earthquake, big tsunami waves can be formed.  The waves travel out of the area of origin and can be extremely dangerous and damaging when they reach the shore.

The word tsunami (pronounced tsoo-nah'-mee) is equanimous of the Japanese words "tsu" (which means harbor) and "nami" (which means "wave"). Often the term, "seismic or tidal sea wave" is used to draw the same miracle, withal the terms are misleading, because tsunami waves tin can be generated by other, non seismic disturbances such as volcanic eruptions or underwater landslides, and have concrete characteristics different of tidal waves. The tsunami waves are completely unrelated to the astronomical tides - which are acquired by the extraterrestrial, gravitational influences of the moon, sun, and the planets. Thus, the Japanese word "seismic sea wave", meaning "harbor wave" is the right, official and all-inclusive term. It has been internationally adopted because it covers all forms of impulsive wave generation.

Tsunami waves often await like walls of h2o and can assail the shoreline and be dangerous for hours, with waves coming every 5 to hour. The first moving ridge may not exist the largest, and often it is the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or even afterwards waves that are the biggest. After 1 wave inundates, or floods inland, it recedes seaward oft as far every bit a person can see so the seafloor is exposed. The next moving ridge and so rushes ashore within minutes and carries with it many floating debris that were destroyed by previous waves. When waves enter harbors, very strong and dangerous water currents are generated that can hands intermission ship moorings, and bores that travel far inland can be formed when tsunamis enter rivers or other waterway channels.

1983 Japan Bounding main Tsunami1983 japansea tsunami big

How exercise earthquakes generate tsunamis?

By far, the most destructive tsunamis are generated from large, shallow earthquakes with an epicenter or error line nigh or on the bounding main floor.  These usually occur in regions of the earth characterized by tectonic subduction along tectonic plate boundaries.  The high seismicity of such regions is acquired by the standoff of tectonic plates.  When these plates move past each other, they crusade large earthquakes, which tilt, commencement, or displace big areas of the body of water floor from a few kilometers to as much as a i,000 km or more than.  The sudden vertical displacements over such large areas, disturb the sea'due south surface, displace water, and generate destructive tsunami waves.  The waves can travel swell distances from the source region, spreading destruction along their path.  For example, the Dandy 1960 Chilean tsunami was generated past a magnitude 9.5 earthquake that had a rupture zone of over 1,000 km.   Its waves were destructive not only in Chile, simply also as far away as Hawaii, Japan and elsewhere in the Pacific.  Information technology should be noted that non all earthquakes generate tsunamis.  Usually, information technology takes an earthquake with a Richter magnitude exceeding 7.5 to produce a destructive tsunami.

About tsunamis are generated past shallow, keen earthquakes at subductions zones.  More 80% of the world'due south tsunamis occur in the Pacific forth its Ring of Burn subduction zones. subduction_zone_gen_big

When a great earthquake ruptures, the faulting can cause vertical slip that is large enough to disturb the overlying body of water, thus generating a tsunami that volition travel outwards in all directions.


How practice submarine landslides, rock falls and underwater slumps generate tsunamis?

Less ofttimes, tsunami waves tin be generated from displacements of h2o resulting from rock falls, icefalls and sudden submarine landslides or slumps. Such events may be caused impulsively from the instability and sudden failure of submarine slopes, which are sometimes triggered by the basis motions of a strong convulsion. For instance in the 1980'south, globe moving and construction work of an airport runway along the coast of Southern France, triggered an underwater landslide, which generated destructive tsunami waves in the harbor of Thebes.

Major earthquakes are suspected to crusade many underwater landslides, which may contribute significantly to seismic sea wave generation. For instance, many scientists believe that the 1998 tsunami, which killed well-nigh 2200 people and destroyed Sissano and nearby villages along the northern coast of Papua-New Guinea, was generated past a big underwater slump of sediments, triggered by an convulsion.

In general, the energy of tsunami waves generated from landslides or rock falls is rapidly dissipated as they travel away from the source and across the bounding main, or within an enclosed or semi-enclosed body of water - such equally a lake or a fjord. However, it should be noted, that the largest tsunami moving ridge ever observed anywhere in the earth was caused past a rock fall in Lituya Bay, Alaska on July 10, 1958. Triggered by an earthquake along the Fairweather fault, an approximately twoscore 1000000 cubic meter rock autumn at the head of the bay generated a wave, which reached the incredible height of 525-meter runup (~1750 feet) on the opposite side of the inlet. A initial huge lonely moving ridge of about 180 meters (600 feet) raced at well-nigh 160 kilometers per hour (100 mph) within the bay debarking trees forth its path. Even so, the tsunami's free energy and height diminished rapidly abroad from the source area and, one time in the open ocean, it was hardly recorded by tide gauge stations. But ii persons died and three boats were destroyed in Lituya Bay. In nearby Yakutat Bay, 6.one meter runup was measured and three persons died.

Shown below is a Lituya Bay time sequence simulation illustrating the formation of the tsunami (red) from the landslide, its propagation across the bay, and then extreme run up the facing shore slope (from left to right).   Numerical modeling tin provide many insights on the behavior of tsunamis; in the images, y'all can come across many details, including fingers and eddy trails of h2o that are formed as part of the initial landslide splash.


How do volcanic eruptions generate tsunamis?

Although relatively infrequent, vehement volcanic eruptions represent also impulsive disturbances, which can displace a nifty book of water and generate extremely destructive tsunami waves in the immediate source area. Co-ordinate to this mechanism, waves may be generated by the sudden deportation of water acquired by a volcanic explosion, by a volcano'south slope failure, or more probable by a phreatomagmatic explosion and collapse/engulfment of the volcanic magmatic chambers. Ane of the largest and most destructive tsunamis ever recorded was generated in August 26, 1883 after the explosion and plummet of the volcano of Krakatoa (Krakatau), in Indonesia. This explosion generated waves that reached 135 feet, destroyed littoral towns and villages along the Sunda Strait in both the islands of Java and Sumatra, killing 36,417 people. It is as well believed that the destruction of the Minoan civilization in Hellenic republic was caused in 1490 B.C. by the explosion/collapse of the volcano of Santorin in the Aegean Sea.

Diagram of how a volcanic eruption can generate a seismic sea wave.

Diagram of how a volcanic eruption can generate a tsunami. Geoscience Australia.

Diagram source: Geoscience Australia.

When y'all look at the hazard of a seismic sea wave in your community, you need to consider the unlike sources in your expanse/region that tin generate a tsunami. Volcanoes are 1 source that tin can produce tsunamis as high equally those produced by the largest earthquake. They can be caused past mechanisms such as volcanic earthquakes, undersea eruptions, pyroclastic flows, caldera collapse, landslides, lahars, phreatomagmatic eruptions, lava bench collapse, and airwaves from big explosions. There have been 110 eruptions that caused tsunamis' (NGDC/WDS). Below are a few examples of volcanic eruptions that accept caused a tsunami:

  • In 1792, the eruption of Mount Unzen in Japan produced a subversive landslide generating a
        165-human foot tsunami. The death cost from the disaster is estimated at over fifteen,000 people,
        making information technology the almost deadly volcanic eruption in Nippon's history.
  • The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa in Indonesia caused by *pyroclastic flows entering the water
        (A base surge resulting from plummet of the eruption column) that produced run-up
        heights of 120 feet and killed over 26,000 people and many costal villages destroyed.
  • The 1980 Eruption of Mountain St. Helens in Washington (U.s.) acquired fractional collapse of the
         volcano's flank and an avalanche into Spirit Lake producing a 780-human foot tsunami.


National Geophysical Data Heart / World Data Service (NGDC/WDS): Significant Volcanic Eruptions Database. National Geophysical Data Center, NOAA. doi:10.7289/V5JW8BSH

*1883 eruption of Krakatoa: Volcanologists Cocky & Rampino had the correct source sorted out in 1981 (Scientific discipline), though a convincing numerical model confirming that source was not published until Maeno & Imamura in 2011 (JGR).

mount st helens 1982 2007

Can asteroids, meteorites or human-fabricated explosions cause tsunamis?

Fortunately, for mankind, information technology is indeed very rare for a meteorite or an asteroid to achieve the globe.  Although no documented seismic sea wave has ever been generated by an  asteroid impact, the effects of such an event would be disastrous.  Most meteorites fire as they accomplish the earth's temper.  Even so, large meteorites accept hit the earth'due south surface in the distant past. This is indicated by large craters, which have been found in different parts of the earth.  Too, information technology is possible that an asteroid may take fallen on the world in prehistoric times - the concluding one some 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous catamenia.  Since testify of the fall of meteorites and asteroids on earth exists, nosotros must conclude that they have fallen too in the oceans and seas of the earth, particularly since 4 fifths of our planet is covered by water.

The fall of meteorites or asteroids in the earth's oceans has the potential of generating tsunamis of cataclysmic proportions. Scientists studying this possibility accept concluded that the bear upon of moderately big asteroid, 5-6 km in bore, in the centre of the large ocean bowl such equally the Atlantic Ocean, would produce a tsunami that would travel all the way to the Appalachian Mountains in the upper two-thirds of the U.s.. On both sides of the Atlantic, littoral cities would exist done out by such a tsunami. An asteroid v-half-dozen kilometers in diameter impacting between the Hawaiian Islands and the West Declension of North America, would produce a tsunami which would wash out the littoral cities on the West coasts of Canada, U.S. and Mexico and would comprehend most of the inhabited littoral areas of the Hawaiian islands.

Feasibly tsunami waves tin besides be generated from very big nuclear explosions. Yet, no tsunami of whatsoever significance has ever resulted from the testing of nuclear weapons in the past. Furthermore, such testing is presently prohibited by international treaty.

Click the link below to view a movie that shows a physics-based computer simulation of the tsunami generated by the impact of the Chicxulub asteroid 65 one thousand thousand years agone. This asteroid affect is thought to responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs. https://youtu.be/Dcp0JhwNgmE

Where and how frequently are tsunamis generated?

Tsunamis are disasters that can be generated in all of the world'south oceans, inland seas, and in any large body of h2o. Each region of the world appears to take its own cycle of frequency and blueprint in generating tsunamis that range in size from small to the large and highly subversive events.  Most tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas. The reason is that the Pacific covers more than one-3rd of the earth's surface and is surrounded by a series of mountain chains, deep-ocean trenches and island arcs chosen the "ring of fire" - where nigh earthquakes occur (off the coasts of Kamchatka, Japan, the Kuril Islands, Alaska and Due south America). Many tsunamis accept also been generated in the seas which border the Pacific Ocean. Tsunamis are generated, past shallow earthquakes all around the Pacific, but those from earthquakes in the tropical Pacific tend to exist pocket-size in size. While such tsunamis in these areas may be devastating locally, their free energy decays quickly with distance. Usually, they are not subversive a few hundred kilometers away from their sources.

That is not the case with tsunamis generated by great earthquakes in the Northward Pacific or along the Pacific coast of S America. On the average of about half-a-dozen times per century, a tsunami from one of these regions sweeps across the entire Pacific, is reflected from distant shores, and sets the entire ocean in motion for days. For instance, the 1960 Chilean tsunami acquired death and devastation throughout the Pacific. Hawaii, Samoa, and Easter Island all recorded runups exceeding iv m; 61 people were killed in Hawaii. In Japan 200 people died. A like tsunami in 1868 from northern Republic of chile acquired extensive damage in the Austral Islands, Hawaii, Samoa and New Zealand.

Although not as frequent, subversive tsunamis have been besides been generated in the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans, the Mediterranean Sea and even inside smaller bodies of water, like the Ocean of Marmara, in Turkey. In 1999, a big earthquake along the North Anatolian Fault zone, generated a local tsunami, which was peculiarly damaging in the Bay of Izmit.

In the terminal decade alone, mortiferous tsunamis have occurred in Chile (2007, 2010), Republic of haiti (2010), Indonesia (2004, 2005, 2006, 2010), Nihon (2011), Peru (2001), Samoa - American Samoa - Tonga (2009), Solomons (2007). Of these, only Indonesia (2004) and Japan (2011) caused deaths at distant shores.

Why aren't tsunamis seen at body of water or from the air?

In the deep ocean, tsunami moving ridge aamplitude is ordinarily less than 1 k (3.3 feet). The crests of tsunami waves may be more a hundred kilometers or more away from each other. Therefore, passengers on boats at bounding main, far away from shore where the water is deep, will not feel nor see the tsunami waves as they pass by underneath at high speeds. The tsunami may be perceived as zippo more than a gentle rise and fall of the bounding main surface.

The Great Sanriku tsunami, which struck Honshu, Nihon, on June 15, 1896, was completely undetected by fishermen twenty miles out to sea. The deep-water summit of this tsunami was merely almost 40 centimeters when information technology passed them and yet, when it arrived on the shore, information technology had transformed into huge waves that killed 28,000 people, destroyed the port of Sanriku and villages along 275 km of coastline. For the same reason of low amplitude and very long periods in the deep ocean, tsunami waves cannot be seen nor detected from the air.  From the sky, tsunami waves cannot be distinguished from ordinary bounding main waves.

What are the factors of destruction from tsunamis?

There are iii factors of destructions from tsunamis: inundation, moving ridge bear upon on structures, and erosion. Stiff, seismic sea wave-induced currents lead to the erosion of foundations and the collapse of bridges and seawalls. Flotation and elevate forces move houses and overturn railroad cars. Considerable damage is caused past the resultant floating debris, including boats and cars that become unsafe projectiles that may crash into buildings, suspension ability lines, and may start fires. Fires from damaged ships in ports or from ruptured coastal oil storage tanks and refinery facilities, tin cause damage greater than that inflicted direct past the tsunami. Of increasing concern is the potential consequence of tsunami describe downward, when receding waters uncover cooling h2o intakes of nuclear power plants.

ptmpier1462 crop bigDevastation of Hilo, Hawaii harbor pier during 1946 Aleutians Islands tsunami.

How does tsunami energy travel across the ocean and how far tin tsunamis waves reach?

One time a tsunami has been generated, its free energy is distributed throughout the water column, regardless of the ocean'due south depth. A tsunami is made up of a series of very long waves. The waves will travel outward on the surface of the ocean in all directions away from the source area, much like the ripples caused by throwing a rock into a swimming. The wavelength of the seismic sea wave waves and their catamenia volition depend on the generating machinery and the dimensions of the source outcome. If the tsunami is generated from a big convulsion over a large area, its initial wavelength and period will be greater. If the tsunami is caused by a local landslide, both its initial wavelength and period will be shorter. The menses of the tsunami waves may range from 5 to 90 minutes. The moving ridge crests of a seismic sea wave tin range from a few to a hundred kilometers or more apart as they travel across the ocean. As the waves approach the coast, their wavelength decreases and wave summit increases.

On the open ocean, the wavelength of a tsunami may exist as much as 2 hundred kilometers, many times greater than the ocean depth, which is on the order of a few kilometers. In the deep bounding main, the height of the seismic sea wave from trough to crest may exist only a few centimeters to a meter or more - again depending on the generating source. Tsunami waves in the deep ocean can travel at high speeds for long periods of time for distances of thousands of kilometers and lose very lilliputian free energy in the process. The deeper the water, the greater the speed of tsunami waves will be.

For example, at the deepest bounding main depths the tsunami moving ridge speed will be as much as 800 km/h, near the same every bit that of a jet aircraft. Since the average depth of the Pacific body of water is 4000 m (fourteen,000 feet) , tsunami wave speed will average about 200 m/south or over 700 km/h (500 mph). At such high speeds, a tsunami generated in Aleutian Islands may attain Hawaii in less than four and a one-half hours. In 1960, great tsunami waves generated in Chile reached Nihon, more sixteen,800 km away in less than 24 hours, killing hundreds of people.

Tsunamis deadening downward but grow in size as they come aground.

Tsu Wave Characteristics big

TsuWaveCharacteristics ft

What determines how destructive a seismic sea wave will be near the origin and at a afar shore?

Tsunamis get in at a coastline as a series of successive crests (loftier water levels) and troughs (depression water levels) - usually occurring ten to 45 minutes apart. Equally they enter the shallow waters of coastlines, bays, or harbors, their speed decreases to about 50-60 km/h.  For example, in xv one thousand of water the speed of a tsunami will be only 45 km/h. However 100 or more kilometers away, another tsunami moving ridge travels in deep h2o towards the same shore at a much greater speed, and still backside it there is another wave, traveling at even greater speed.

As the tsunami waves become compressed near the coast, the wavelength is shortened and the moving ridge energy is directed upward - thus increasing their heights considerably. Just equally with ordinary surf, the energy of the seismic sea wave waves must exist contained in a smaller volume of h2o, so the waves grow in height. Fifty-fifty though the wavelength shortens near the declension, a tsunami volition typically have a wavelength in excess of 10 kilometers when information technology comes ashore. Depending on the water depth and the coastal configuration, the waves may undergo extensive refraction - another process that may converge their free energy to particular areas on the shore and thus increase the heights even more. Even if a tsunami wave may have been ane meter of less in the deep ocean, it may abound into a huge xxx-35 meter wave when it sweeps over the shore.

Thus, tsunami waves may smash into the shore like a wall of water or movement in as a fast moving alluvion or tide - carrying everything on their path. Either way, the waves go a significant threat to life and belongings. If the tsunami waves arrive at high tide, or if at that place are concurrent tempest waves in the area, the effects will be cumulative and the inundation and destruction even greater. The historic record shows that there have been many tsunamis that accept struck the shores with devastating forcefulness, sometimes reaching heights of more than than 30-50 meters. For instance, the 1946 seismic sea wave generated past an earthquake off Unimak island in Alaska's Aleutian Islands, reached heights of more than 35 meters, which destroyed a reinforced concrete lighthouse and killed its occupants.

Finally, the maximum height a tsunami reaches on shore is called the runup. Information technology is the vertical distance betwixt the maximum acme reached by the h2o on shore and the mean sea level surface.  Any tsunami runup over a meter is dangerous. The flooding by individual waves will typically last from x minutes to a half-hr, so the danger menstruum can concluding for hours. Tsunami runup at the point of bear on will depend on how the free energy is focused, the travel path of the tsunami waves, the littoral configuration, and the offshore topography.

Effects on Islands
Small islands with steep slopes normally experience picayune runup - wave heights there are only slightly greater than on the open ocean. This is the reason that islands with steep-sided fringing or bulwark reefs are only at moderate risk from tsunamis.

However, this is not the example for islands such as the Hawaiian or the Marquesas. Both of these isle bondage practise not have all-encompassing bulwark reefs and have broad bays exposed to the open up ocean. For example, Hilo Bay at the island of Hawaii and Tahauku Bay at Hiva Oa in the Marquesas are especially vulnerable. The 1946 Aleutian tsunami resulted in runup, which exceeded 8 m at Hilo and 10 thou at Tahauku; 59 people were killed in Hilo and 2 in Tahauku. Similarly, any gap in a reef puts the adjacent shoreline at risk. The local tsunami from the Suva convulsion of 1953 did little damage considering of Fiji's extensive offshore reefs. Even so, two villages on the isle of Viti Levu, located on opposite gaps in the reef, were extensively damaged and v people were drowned.

Tsunami wave superlative increment as they reach the shore due to the shallowing of seafloor.

tsuwavecharacteristics 08.03.11

Why are locally generated tsunamis so dangerous?

A locally generated seismic sea wave may reach a nearby shore in less than ten minutes. In that location may not exist sufficient time for tsunami warning centers, such every bit the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, or for local authorities to issue a warning. For people living nearly the coast, the shaking of the ground from an earthquake is nature's natural warning that a tsunami may be imminent. Observation of unusual ocean changes, or the hearing of loud ocean roars are also nature'south natural tsunami warning signs. If y'all sense of these and are nearly the occean, evacuate immediately inland and to higher ground.

For tsunamis from more distant sources, however, seismic sea wave warning centers play an of import role in ensuring public condom. Accurate warnings of when a seismic sea wave might arrive are possible because tsunamis travel at a known speed. Alarm centers will piece of work with local regime to suggest them on whether a seismic sea wave will affect their coasts.


What is a mega-seismic sea wave and can it happen today?

The following is a position paper that was issued by the Tsunami Society apropos the occurrence of Mega-Tsunamis:

The mission of the Tsunami Lodge includes "the dissemination of cognition about tsunamis to scientists, officials, and the public". We have established a commission of individual, university, and regime scientists to achieve part of this goal by correcting misleading or invalid information released to public near this hazard. We can supply both valid, correct and important information and communication to the public, and the names of reputable scientists active in the field of tsunami, who tin provide such data.

Most recently, the Discovery Aqueduct has replayed a program alleging potential destruction of coastal areas of the Atlantic past tsunami waves which might be generated in the near futurity by a volcanic collapse in the Canary Islands. Other reports have involved a smaller but similar catastrophe from Kilauea volcano on the island of Hawai`i. They like to call these occurences "mega tsunamis". We would like to halt the scaremongering from these unfounded reports. We wish to provide the media with factual information so that the public tin can be properly informed about actual hazards of tsunamis and their mitigation.

Here are a set of facts, agreed on by committee members, nigh the claims in these reports:

- While the agile volcano of Cumbre Vieja on Las Palma is expected to erupt once more, it volition non transport a large part of the island into the bounding main, though small landslides may occur. The Discovery program does not bring out in the interviews that such volcanic collapses are extremely rare events, separated in geologic time by thousands or even millions of years.

- No such event - a mega tsunami - has occurred in either the Atlantic or Pacific oceans in recorded history. NONE.

- The colossal collapses of Krakatau or Santorin (the two most like known happenings) generated catastrophic waves in the immediate surface area but hazardous waves did not propagate to distant shores. Carefully performed numerical and experimental model experiments on such events and of the postulated Las Palma event verify that the relatively short waves from these small, though intense, occurrences do not travel as practise tsunami waves from a major convulsion.

- The U.S. volcano observatory, situated on Kilauea, near the current eruption, states that there is no likelihood of that part of the island breaking off into the sea.

- These considerations accept been published in journals and discussed at conferences sponsored by the Tsunami Club.

Some papers on this subject area include:

"Evaluation of the threat of Mega Tsunami Generation From ....Volcanoes on La Palma ... and Hawaii", George Pararas-Carayannis, in Scientific discipline of Tsunami Hazards, Vol 20, No.v, pages 251-277, 2002.

"Modeling the La Palma Landslide Tsunami", Charles 50. Mader, in Science of Tsunami Hazards, Vol. 19, No. three, pages 160-180, 2001.

"Volcano Growth and the Evolution of the Island of Hawaii", J.Thou. Moore and D.A.Clague, in the Geologic Gild of America Message, 104, 1992.

Commission members for this written report include:

Mr. George Curtis, Hilo, Hi (Commission Chairman)

Dr. Tad Murty, Ottawa, Canad

Dr. Laura Kong, Honolulu, HI

Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis, Honolulu, Howdy

Dr. Charles Fifty. Mader, Los Alamos, NM

All can comment on this or other tsunami matters.

For information regarding the Tsunami Society and its publications, visit: http://www.tsunamisociety.org/.

For general and educational cloth on tsunamis, check: world wide web.tsunami.org.

UNESCO IOC 20210324 no text NOAA 20210324 no text


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